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Writer's pictureGlen Nelson


Updated: Nov 30, 2021

This video will show you how to increase the amount of revenue from each wedding you photography.

Here's how it works...

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Hi, I’m Glen Nelson, the founder of HVP solutions and I will be teaching you how to increase your wedding photography revenue through this mini webinar

You will be able to apply this strategy to the next wedding you photograph and add hundreds, if not thousands in additional revenue to each wedding you photograph.

I’m extremely excited that you’re here so I can share what I have learnt over the years to save you time and help your business with my 5 step process.

Our Challenges

Increased Competition

Bride & Groom want for for less

Need to increase revenue

Our challenges -

The onset of digital cameras and availability of professional equipment at consumer obtainable prices has placed pressure on the wedding and portrait industry and we have been witnessing an overcrowded market form some years now.

You have probably witnessed a declining market with brides and grooms wanting more for less

Portrait and wedding photographers like yourself want to increase their revenue, but don’t know how

Youve probably heard the phrase - work smarter...not harder…

And this certainly is true with what you are about to learn


'You need to start thinking of a wedding as a portrait event'

If you are serious about increasing your wedding photography revenue, you will need to think a little differently about how and what you photograph during a wedding

You need to start thinking of a wedding as a ‘portrait event’ . This opens the wedding up to ‘mini family portraits sessions’ taken at the wedding reception.

...and I don't just mean the standard family photographs with the wedding couple that you would normally include in your wedding package/service.

All guests at a wedding are looking their best, they have spent money on hair, makeup and clothes, even the dad has ironed his shirt and the children are looking clean….you get the idea...which means it’s a great opportunity to utilize your time and offer mini portraits sessions of the guests and families.

Just to be clear a mini session will take around 2 minutes per family

The Three Key Elements

Ability to match data with images automatically in individual gallery logins

Automate tailored sales communications to one individual per family

Automated production and delivery including end user customer service

After doing this myself, I learnt that the key to the success with this strategy hinges on three elements

1. Ability to match data with images automatically in individual gallery logins to streamline the workflow

2. Automate tailored sales communications to one individual per family, for example - the mother to maximise sales

3. Hands off, automated production, delivery and customer service so you dont even need to think about it

Creating a workflow that accommodated these elements was essential to the success of this strategy, which took me years of trial and error. I will save you the pain and will share what I discovered with you.

You may have tried to put a gallery online of all images with one login code….hoping for the best…this simply does not work.

You must have the 3 key elements to make this strategy work for you to maximise sales and minimise any additional work.


Lets start with a step by step process so that you can easily replicate this strategy and add thousands in additional revenue to your business.

You off course will need to discuss with the wedding couple that you are ‘providing a complimentary service, to them...

This means that you will have a ‘mini studio’ at the reception venue and offer the chance for friends and family to have portraits taken by a professional photographer and view them online post wedding with the chance to order from their own private gallery.

You could also ‘inspire’ the bride and groom if needed, that they also receive a ‘complimentary product’ in conjunction with this service.

The point being... you want the bride and groom onboard.

Step 1 - The Reception Venue

Scout for a Location

Mini Portrait Studio - (2 lights and background)

Step 1 - The reception venue

Find a location at the wedding reception, close to the tables, but far enough, not to cause disruption to photograph your mini portrait sessions.

I suggest to set up a portable studio with strobes or studio flashes, this will ensure that you are in control of the light and have constant lighting temperature - It should eliminate most/all of your post production work when done correctly.

Setting up a portrait station validates and phycologically implies the ‘importance’ and professionalism to the wedding guests

Alternatively, you could also use a scenic setting at the venue if its applicable,

Remember, you want this to be as streamlined as possible both for the photoshoot and minimise editing

Step 2 - Prep the guests

On-site marketing

MC announcement

Be proactive

Second photographer if needed

‘The Bride and Groom would like to remind you that there is the opportunity for you have your family photographed and view the pictures online - The studio is set up ‘over there’’ and will be available throughout the reception’

Step 2 - Prep the guests

There is a lot of time at a wedding reception between speeches and meals - This is the time for you to earn your additional revenue through on-sight marketing

Ask the Master of Ceremony (Official Host) to announce the 'family portraits' at the start of the reception. Prepare a written statement for them to announce

For Example:

‘The Bride and Groom would like to remind you that there is the opportunity for you have your family photographed and view the pictures online - The studio is set up ‘over there’’ and will be available throughout the reception

Be proactive - Once the guests have had a drink or two, you won't have a problem in getting them to take part in a mini portrait session.

As a side noted - At many weddings, the guests are kept waiting at the reception venue while the bridal party are having the official photo shoot, you could utilise a second photographer at the reception venue to photograph families while they are waiting if this is the case.

Step 3

Photo Shoot Plan

Example of Family of 4 - (2 minutes max)

Two adults Two children

Whole Family - 2 photos

Siblings together - 2 photos

Individual children - 3 Photos each

Parents together - 2 photos

Parents Individually - 2 photos each

Parent 1 with kids - 1 photo

Parent 2 with kids - 1 photo

Step 3 - Photo shoot Plan

It’s important to have a ‘shoot plan’ to be efficient and capture the expressions and images that parents and guests can’t resist to purchase. Here are some suggestions

Family of 4 - Two adults Two children - (2-3 minutes max)

Whole Family - 2 photos

Siblings together - 2 photos

Each Sibling - 3 Photos each

Parents together - 2 photos

Parents Individually - 2 photos each

Parent 1 with kids - 1 photo

Parent 2 with kids - 1 photo

You should be aiming for a total of around 12-15 images per family

I would also suggest adding selected photographs of the wedding couple images (approx. 10), so in total the guest or family should only view approximately 25 images in the personalized coded gallery.

It’s important that you do not give them an abundance of choice, otherwise you risk confusion and a non-purchase in the online world. Less equals higher buy rate!

STEP 4 - Photo shoot

Matching images with data automatically

Photograph tethered to a laptop using Photolink

Use the QR App on your phone

Step 4 - The Photoshoot

Data matching is an important step in the success of this strategy - It enables you to match client data (names, email and numbers) with the images you take of them upload and automatically communicate one on one during the sales process.

You can either photograph tethered to a laptop using Photolink or use the QR App on your phone -


Photography Tethered to a Laptop

Match images and data

Easily enter data on the fly

Import data

Lets start with how to photograph tethered to a laptop using Photolink

If you haven't received data prior to the job, you can add it on the fly like just like this…

Click ‘New Subject’

Add the mothers details

And start photographing using the shoot plan as a guide

Remember - 2 minutes max per family

QR App

Photograph free hand (non tethered ) with the QR App

Easily enter data on the fly

Photograph QR code then Photograph family

Alternatively, In some cases, you may not be able to photograph tethered to a Laptop.

Using the QR app on your phone to gather details and match data is easy.

I simply add the subjects details to the job, photograph the QR code, photograph the family

Repeat the process for each family.

Post shoot, import the images into Photolink and the data and images are automatically matched.

Step 5 - Post Shoot

Basic editing of color and exposure (if require)

Check your job

Batch Upload

Post wedding, if you have to perform some image adjustments, do so by exporting all the images to lightroom for example, adjust and then import back into Photolink.

If you have photographed under consistent lighting, you will have very minimal post processing to do - Shoot to sell and minimize your post production work! This is good training for the high volume photography niche as well.

With a couple of clicks, you will be batch uploading all the images and data to our platform,

Automated Sales

Put your feet up! Your job is done!

Tailored automated communication to drive sales

Put your feet up or move on to your next job!

The next day the guests and family receive tailored automated emails and or SMS with a unique code to view and order the images with time based incentives and reminders to drive and increase sales.


Predefined packs and prices

Auto upsell features and reminders

After sales

End user customised orders

Everything about your web shop is fully automated,

There are pre defined packs and prices, tailored automated sales communication and incentives to drive sales for you.

Users select packs, products, customise and purchase.

Here’s an example….

Production & Delivery

Automated production process

Hands off

Customer service

Picture - Lab - produce - delivery

Once the guest/family (User) has purchased an order successfully (paid via credit card),

The lab receives the order automatically, produces and delivers the order without you lifting a finger

And you don’t have to deal with customer calls or emails - We do that for you!

The Figures

Photoshoot time at wedding - 60min (intimately) = 20 families photographed

Post processing time - 60 min

Average sale 80 = 1600 in additional revenue

Hourly rate of 800 per hour

30 wedding per year gives just under 50k of additional revenue to you business.

This 5 step process for wedding photographers can easily produce an additional 500-2000 dollars additional revenue for each wedding you photograph!

Remember that you need to start thinking as a volume portrait photographer when implementing this strategy by not over thinking and not over editing.

Simple clean family portraits

Let’s take a look at some stats

Your Photoshoot time at a wedding is approximately 60min intimately - That should be around 20 families photographed

Your Post processing time should not exceed 60 min - If it does, your overdoing it!

The average sale of 80 dollars per family = 1600 additional revenue

That equates to an hourly rate of 800 per hour

Now multiply that by 30 weddings each year which comes close to an additional 50k in revenue each year

How can you afford NOT to try this?

Ready To Start Risk Free?

Click on the below button to start adding revenue to your wedding photography business.

Are you are ready to give this a good hard go…. with virtually no risk at all

Our solution ‘Photosuite Lite’ includes the software and services to get you started overnight.

Right now you can trial it for 30 days for free with a 1 hour training session with me via Zoom call

Click on the below button to start adding revenue to your wedding photography business now

I guarantee you that you will earn additional revenue to your business as soon as you implement the 5 step process

I hope you have enjoyed learning the process and I look forward to hearing about your success soon.

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out at

I hope you have enjoyed learning my 5 step process

As always, if you have any questions, please reach out at

Take care and and I look forward to hearing about your success soon.

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